So, my first ever blog post. Bit exciting. :) Excuse me if it's a bit rubbish. Here I go:

Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover. A famous quote many people have heard. And it's true. You should never judge a book by it's cover because you never know what might be inside. The same goes for people. Someone may seem weird at first but they might be really nice but before we even get to know that person, we judge them on their looks and their likes and dislikes which is really stupid. There's this girl in my friends class. Let's call her E. She has glasses and frizzy hair and is obsessed with Doctor Who and everyone thinks she's weird just because she's not as pretty as everyone else and likes something that not many people like. I've hardly talked to this girl but I can see it is unfair on her to be judged when no one even speaks to her.  She seems like a really nice girl but doesn't get to show it because she is incorrectly judged. I am a massive Doctor Who fan and my closest friends know this but I don't tell everyone I know because I know how people can be but I respect this girl with her personality because she has put herself out there and is not afraid to be herself. She is very confident in herself and not many people are. This girl is much braver than many people I know. I salute her.

Another girl I know, we'll call her C, has also been judged incorrectly. I must say when I first met her she did seem a little weird but then again, aren't we all a little weird? Many people have told me that they don't like her and she's creepy but I  find this a bit unfair. None of us really hang out with her so we don't know her all that well. We have Italian with her but we hardly talk. C likes my boyfriend and you would think this would bother me, my friends can't understand why I'm not furious at her but I' m just not. I know my boyfriend loves me and I trust him around any girl because no matter how many girls like him, he likes me. Anyway back to C. She likes to chase boys and try and get them to hug the girls they like, shes makes kind of weird jokes but  she is nearly almost always smiling. She's a cheerleader so she has a lot of spirit and tries not to let anything ruin her day. Everyone says that shes an ugly cheerleader and is fat but the only way anyone is skinny is by non stop exercising and hardly eating anything and to be honest she isn't fat. She's of normal weight yet people still call her fat just because she's not as skinny as a stick. The only way anyone gets that skinny is by starving themselves which is very unhealthy. I must agree she isn't the prettiest girl in the world but tell me, what is the definition of beauty??? All girls think guys like girls plastered in make-up and that they think that's beautiful but that's stupid. I don't think having your face smeared in ink is pretty or healthy so why do it? I guess some girls have low self esteem and that's how they feel good about themselves but some girls just put on make-up just to impress boys. Studies have shown that 4 out of 5 boys actually don't like girls with make-up. The truth is true beauty is underneath. It comes from within.

Although that is an important statement, back to the topic. Another girl in my class is judged for being smart but I will talk about her in another blog because she is very important. My teacher is also judged. None of the students like her merely because they think she is mean, old, harsh and unfair but really she is just hardworking and knows what's best for us. I agree she could make her lessons more fun and not hand out as much homework and could be a bit nicer, but she's great at her job and knows what's best. 

In conclusion, no matter how old, young, fat, skinny, tall, short, pretty or ugly, no one should be treated like they are not wanted and be excluded. Don't judge a book by it's cover because it might be the best book you've ever read :)

(Sorry for the long post :) 

~ Don't judge people before you get to know them ~

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    Hi, my name is Natalie Williams but you can call me Dreamcatcher. I'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world. If you want to email me click below VVV but if you want to add a comment to my blog scroll to the bottom of the page and look to your left :)


    July 2012

